Tradivox Collection (Subscription)


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From as early as the 9th century, scores of faithful priests, bishops, popes, saints, and Church councils have published succinct, reliable summaries of Catholic doctrine: catechisms.

In them, readers have encountered Church teaching in refreshingly clear and even elegant language, often accompanied by handsome woodcuts on lovely pages.

Now, for the first time ever, dozens of historic catechisms are being unearthed and painstakingly restored. They are being reformatted for publication and presented to you in this gorgeous 20-volume, cross-indexed collection.

The catechisms of several Popes and Church Councils are included; such as the world-renowned Catechism of the Council of Trent, those of the Synods of Maynooth and Baltimore, and the catechism of Pope St. Pius X. Here also are those classical handbooks of Catholic doctrine authored by the great Saints and Doctors of the Church, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Peter Canisius, and St. Robert Bellarmine.

The many historical catechisms of Catholic doctrine featured in this series include both titles that are well known, as well as some that have not been printed or read in centuries. Originating from regions as diverse as Italy, France, Germany, Spain, England, Ireland, Scotland, Canada, and North America, the many catechisms contained in this series demonstrate the remarkable universality of the Catholic Faith as never before.

In them all, one may discern the Church speaking with unified voice across the centuries!

How the Subscription Works:

We are publishing a new volume of Tradivox every three months. Subscribe today by clicking “Add to Cart” above, and we’ll send you the current volume.  (No additional discounts can be applied to the Tradivox Subscription. Shipping is free for US mailing addresses. Foreign Shipping Fees: $12.00 for Canada and $20 for Overseas per unit ordered.)

Please Note: When you subscribe to Tradivox you will be sent the next volume that is set to be published. If you wish to purchase the previous volumes, we will honor the subscription price of $25.00.

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Tradivox Collection (Subscription)